How fiscal support is boosting our COVID-19 recovery
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries worldwide have launched wide-scale fiscal support measures to mitigate the unprecedented output losses caused by necessary lockdown...
Undergraduate degrees, Balliol College, University of Oxford and Queen's University, Canada; MSc, London School of Economics; PhD, University of Chicago. With the International Monetary Fund: formerly, led the division that produces the Fund's flagship multilateral surveillance publication, the World Economic Outlook, and led country teams on Japan and a number of Asian economies; currently, Deputy Director, Research; leads work on global systemic macrofinancial risks (including for the IMF-FSB Early Warning Exercises) and assessments of key currency values. Has contributed to the evolution of the IMF's policy lending toolkit reforms, and to the reforms of the institution's views on capital controls. Has been at the forefront of recent work on the connections between income inequality and the fragility of economic growth. Author of numerous articles and books on international economic policy issues.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries worldwide have launched wide-scale fiscal support measures to mitigate the unprecedented output losses caused by necessary lockdown...
Vaccination is understood to be the way out of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis it engendered (Gopinath 2020). However, access to and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines, especially ...
The Asia-Pacific region is recovering from its worst recession in living memory. Our latest Regional Economic Outlook shows that a recovery started in the third quarter, but growth engine...
Al día de hoy, la crisis de la COVID-19 es considerada por muchos la peor calamidad económica desde la Gran Depresión. En enero, el FMI preveía que el crecimiento del ingreso mundial fues...
The COVID-19 crisis is now widely seen as the greatest economic calamity since the Great Depression. In January, the IMF expected global income to grow 3 percent; it is now forecast to fa...
Public debts are high and rising. And the world worries. Academic economists worry that the “long-term trend in debt accumulation seems inconsistent with [these] theories of optimal gover...
Even some staunch defenders of international trade have long been sceptical of the benefits of financial globalisation (e.g. Bhagwati 1998). Rodrik (1998) famously wrote that letting capi...
It is sometimes alleged that for all the microeconomic distortions that protectionist policies inflict, there can be a silver lining in terms of macroeconomic gains: more jobs, more outpu...
The persistent gap between female and male labour force participation comes at a significant economic cost. This column argues that because women and men complement each other in the prod...
Pese a ciertas mejoras, las brechas de participación en la fuerza laboral entre hombres y mujeres siguen siendo considerables. Solo para mencionar un ejemplo, ninguna economía avanzada o ...
Despite some progress, the gaps in labor force participation between men and women remain large. To take just one example, no advanced or middle-income economy has reduced the gender gap ...
En la reunión del Foro Económico Mundial de este año en Davos, Suiza, los participantes no cuestionaron los componentes fundamentales del crecimiento de la economía global de hoy: mercado...
Globalisation has reached new highs in the 21st century. Together with technological progress, it has brought benefits to many, but the gains have not been distributed evenly, often fuell...
Durante la crisis financiera internacional, así como en el período posterior a la misma, se observaron avances y repliegues de los flujos de capital cuya magnitud no tenía precedente. El ...
En los últimos 30 años, la desigualdad del ingreso ha aumentado en la mayoría de las economías avanzadas y en muchas economías en desarrollo. ¿Por qué? Gran parte de las investigaciones s...