Jason Graham-Nye

Co-founder, gDiapers

I am a Circular Economy specialist with 17 years of applied and academic experience pioneering the approach in the US, UK, EU and Australia via my company, gDiapers with my wife / co-founder Kim.

gDiapers was the first consumer product to receive the coveted Cradle to Cradle product certification in 2007. Cradle to Cradle is a foundation element of the Circular Economy. In 2005 when we launched the original gDiapers, we established an entirely new category of nappy, the hybrid featuring an outer pair of washable pants and an insert that was absorbent and home compostable. Since then the global leader in nappies Procter & Gamble has followed suit with their own hybrid.

Last year we developed a next generation 100% commercially compostable baby nappy and service that fully embraces the Circular Economy approach. Pilots are operating in the island nation of Tuvalu and Indonesia, the epicentre of the marine plastic waste crisis.

gDiapers was an early member of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's CE 100. We published "A Circular Economy for nappies and how to implement it locally" with the Foundation.

I am concurrently pursuing a PhD at the Institute for Sustainable Futures at UTS. My focus is on consumption practice in a Circular Economy . Specifically I am applying Social Practice Theory in a number of pilots using gDiapers new gCycle innovation to better understand the barriers and enablers to a transition to a Circular Economy.

I am also the Chair of the Citizen Taskforce for NSW Circular, a Government body advancing the Circular Economy in NSW.