Metaverse platforms face diversity, equity and inclusion challenges. Here's how to address them
At Davos 2022, the World Economic Forum announced a new initiative to build an equitable, interoperable and safe Metaverse.
Jane Lu is an incoming consultant at McKinsey & Company. She has been an active member of Global Shapers Taipei hub since 2014 and was the former Curator of the hub in 2019, leading multiple gender equality initiatives such as Lean In Taipei and She Loves Tech in Taiwan.
She has been in the technology industry for 8 years, worked for leading tech companies including Meta and Dell, and is now a student at Berkeley Haas Full-time MBA. She is selected as a Venture Partner of Berkeley Haas Impact Fund, which invests in early-stage impact-oriented startups and organizations.
At Davos 2022, the World Economic Forum announced a new initiative to build an equitable, interoperable and safe Metaverse.
"Debemos comenzar rápidamente a pasar de una sociedad orientada hacia las cosas a una sociedad orientada hacia la persona. Cuando las máquinas y los ordenadores, los motivos de beneficios...
"We must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society, when machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are considered more important...