Le vrai risque de l’automatisation : l'ennui
Risquons-nous de nous ennuyer à mort ? Moins de 5% des professions sont automatisables à 100%, selon les estimations. Cependant, 30% du travail impliqué dans la plupart des travaux pourra...
James Hewitt is a Performance Scientist, keynote speaker and author. He inspires and equips individuals and teams, in sport and business, with a vision for how they can use science and technology to unlock their potential. He is also the Head of Science & Innovation at Hintsa Performance, a company dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge in human high-performance.
Risquons-nous de nous ennuyer à mort ? Moins de 5% des professions sont automatisables à 100%, selon les estimations. Cependant, 30% du travail impliqué dans la plupart des travaux pourra...
Are we at risk of boring ourselves to death? Less than 5% of occupations are 100% automatable, according to estimates. However, 30% of the work involved in most jobs could be carried out ...
We are accelerating into the age of "connected everything". There are almost three million apps in one of the world’s leading app stores, many of us check our smart-phones once every 6 mi...
Imagine you are living thousands of years ago among our ancestors. Unlike many of your peers, you’re an outrageously optimistic prehistoric person, roaming the savannah feeling grateful t...
From face-transplant surgery to Formula 1, I’m fascinated by the limits of our attention span and how we can improve it.
Formula 1 driver Mika Häkkinen recalls looking out his hotel window on the morning of a big race, and watching sheets of rain lashing the buildings outside. Many drivers would have been d...
La temporada de Fórmula 1 comenzará a finales de este mes, enfrentando a los pilotos más talentosos con las máquinas más perfeccionadas entre sí.
The Formula 1 season will begin later this month, pitting the most talented drivers in the most finely honed machines against one another.
Dentro y fuera del deporte, cada vez es más frecuente la pregunta acerca de cómo maximizar el “período de salud” - la etapa de la vida durante la cual generalmente estamos sanos y libres ...
The question of how to maximise ‘health span’ – the period of life during which we are generally healthy and free from serious disease – is increasingly prevalent both in and out of sport.
Many human jobs are likely to be replaced in whole, or in part. The workplace of the future will place greater demands on our ability to focus, solve complex problems, think critically an...