Jacques Vandermeiren

Chief Executive Officer, Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Chief Executive Officer and President of the Executive Committee of Port of Antwerp-Bruges as of 1 January 2017. Until January 2015, Chief Executive Officer and President of the Executive Committee of the network operator Elia, a listed company, in various management positions since joining it in 2001. Before that, for 11 years as Senior Adviser Strategy Direction with the energy company Electrabel. Has occupied various directorships with, among others, Febeg (Federation of Belgian Energy Companies) and the Federation of Belgian Enterprises. Co-Founder of Belgian sustainability platform The Shift, as well as co-investor in Qpinch, which generates energy from waste heat. Master of Laws, a qualification later supplemented with a Master's in European Studies, a middle management course with Vlerick Business School and the Advanced Management Programme at INSEAD.

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