Le prochain printemps de l'IA
LONDRES – L'intelligence artificielle (IA) est omniprésente et suscite l'enthousiasme quant à la façon dont elle pourrait accroître la prospérité et transformer notre vie de bien des mani...
LONDRES – L'intelligence artificielle (IA) est omniprésente et suscite l'enthousiasme quant à la façon dont elle pourrait accroître la prospérité et transformer notre vie de bien des mani...
Public discussion of the effects of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) often focuses on the productivity benefits for companies and the economy, on the one hand, and on the poten...
The history of trade reflects the ongoing march of technological innovation. This column argues that despite today’s increased trade tensions, rising nationalism, and slowdown in global g...
The US and China are clear leaders in investment in, and the adoption of, artificial intelligence. This column argues that while Europe lags in these areas, it is home to high levels of d...
At a time when economic growth in Europe is showing signs of faltering, digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have the potential to deliver a breakthrough in produc...
BRUXELLES – Comme toute évolution, l’essor de l’intelligence artificielle (AI) est porteur de grandes promesses et de défis majeurs. Mais les risques les plus graves ne sont pas nécessair...
Like any transformative trend, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) poses both major opportunities and significant challenges. But the gravest risks may not be the ones most often dis...
Desde que los trabajadores textiles de principios del siglo XIX destruyeron los telares mecánicos que amenazaban su sustento, los debates sobre la automatización han conjurado escenarios...
In around 25 years, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting billions of users and businesses worldwide and leading to an explosion in the volume of cross-b...
Mention the ‘gig economy’ today and you are likely to get wildly different reactions. Sceptics see it as an insignificant, overhyped part of the workforce, while those on the other side o...
Working full-time for a single employer is no longer the norm in advanced economies. Instead, millions of “independent workers” – self-employed, freelance, or temporary employees – sell t...
En las economías avanzadas ya no es la norma trabajar a tiempo completo para un solo empleador. En lugar de ello, millones de “trabajadores independientes” (autoempleados, autónomos o tem...