Hilde Schwab

Chairperson and Co-Founder, Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, World Economic Forum Geneva

1970, joined Klaus Schwab as the first collaborator to create and build the World Economic Forum. Adviser and project manager for numerous activities, including arts and culture.
1995, Co-Founder of World Arts Forum to promote global cultural cooperation. 1998, together with her husband, created and endowed the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, which has become a leading global platform convening a pioneering community of almost 500 social innovators operating in over 190 countries. It helps accelerate outstanding models of social innovation to collectively create a more sustainable and equitable world. Has been instrumental in infusing a cultural, social and environmental spirit into the Forum's activities, including co-creating the "Crystal Awards" to honour outstanding artists worldwide. 2017-18, Co-Chair, UN High-Level Advisory Board for Sustainable Impact Finance. Serves on the advisory boards of several organizations, including International Bridges to Justice, Global Dignity and La Chartreuse de Neuville. Was distinguished as Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur 2021 for her social engagement.

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14 jun 2023

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