La región del Hindu Kush Himalaya, conocida como el Tercer Polo, alberga algunas de las cadenas montañosas más grandes del mundo y enfrenta desafíos significativos debido al cambio climát...
The Hindu Kush Himalaya region, often referred to as the Third Pole, is home to the world's largest mountain ranges and is facing significant challenges due to climate change. The loss of...
Los semiconductores constituyen la espina dorsal de todo lo que funciona con un microchip. Se les ha llamado el petróleo de este siglo y el bien intermedio más crítico para los productos ...
Semiconductors form the backbone of everything powered by a microchip. They’ve been called this century’s oil and the most critical intermediate good for information computer technology e...
The Arctic is warming up to four times faster than the rest of the planet. However, it is not just a fragile and beautiful ecosystem: what happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arcti...
For generations, Antarctica stood as the harshest of continents that could defeat the hardiest of men, remaining a pristine and mysterious place isolated from the rest of the planet. But ...