¿Quieres ayudar al mundo a cumplir los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU? Por aquí puedes empezar
"Acabar con la pobreza extrema. Combatir la desigualdad y la injusticia. Arreglar el cambio climático. Vaya".
Harry Kretchmer is a Senior Writer at Formative Content. Recoded to Forum Agenda on 29/05/2024
"Acabar con la pobreza extrema. Combatir la desigualdad y la injusticia. Arreglar el cambio climático. Vaya".
With active volcanoes, coral reefs, rainforests and spectacular beaches, the Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a tropical paradise. It’s also one of the most challenging ...
By 2030, almost a third of all the energy consumed in the European Union must come from renewable sources, according to binding targets agreed in 2018. Sweden is helping lead the way.
“End extreme poverty. Fight inequality and injustice. Fix climate change. Whoa.”
“With the caps lock key and the stroke of an exclamation point, your co-worker has just done the equivalent of shouting at you across the office,” University of Illinois academics Zhenyu ...
Two-metre social distancing was born in 2020, right?
Who better to study the sea than a surfer?
“Reflect, Recommit, Re-engage, Rethink and Reboot.”
Poner el primer pie en la escalera profesional - o volver a subir a ella - rara vez se ha sentido más difícil.
With the pandemic, the world's focus has shifted to the creation of an effective vaccine. But once that vaccine is in place, the job of eradicating COVID is far from over. The next challe...
COVID-19 has provided us with many lessons in crisis management. Many of the most successful leaders and companies have demonstrated strong people skills, pivoting their organizations by ...
Getting your first foot on the career ladder – or climbing back onto it – has seldom felt harder.
Tents in trees, “watermelon” cabins, going off-grid. These are just some of the unusual ways people are spending their longed-for summer holidays in Europe, with quirky retreats reporting...