According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), aviation accounts for 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions and with air travel projected to increase over this decade, these emissions...
Healthy forests are instrumental in addressing some of the most pressing issues of the day: slowing climate change and the loss of biodiversity, advancing social equity, providing sustain...
Healthy forests are instrumental to addressing some of the most pressing issues of the day: slowing climate change and the loss of biodiversity, advancing social equity and sequestering g...
The Sahel region of Africa is one of the regions on Earth that is most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Already, millions of people have had to adapt to the worsening impacts ...
La Amazonia es la mayor selva tropical de la Tierra, hogar de más de 34 millones de personas y del 10% de la biodiversidad mundial conocida. La continua deforestación y la degradación del...
The Amazon is the largest rainforest on Earth, home to more than 34 million people and 10% of the world’s known biodiversity. Continued deforestation and ecosystem degradation across the ...
India is home to at least 1.4 billion people and covers a land area of over 3.2 million square kilometers. In other words, 17.7% of the world’s population lives on a meager 2.4% of the wo...
Vivimos en una era urbana, en 2050 las ciudades acogerán a casi el 70% de la humanidad. Si las ciudades no sanan su relación con la naturaleza, nuestra especie se enfrentará a amenazas ca...
We live in an urban era, by 2050 cities will host nearly 70% of humanity. If cities don’t heal their relationship with nature, our species will face increasing threats. In this foreseeabl...
"We need an ecopreneur revolution, and we need it now." This was the passionate call-to-action delivered by Simon Mulcahy, Salesforce's Chief Innovation Officer, during the recent Sustain...
Home to more than 34 million people and 10% of the world’s known biodiversity, the Amazon is a mega-diverse ecosystem that accounts for 20% of the world’s remaining forest areas. Continue...
Africa’s Great Green Wall Initiative is a bold movement launched by the African Union to restore degraded lands in the Sahel by 2030. The aim is to re-green an 8000km-long area spanning t...
Forests are critical to the health of the planet. Conserving existing forests, restoring forest ecosystems and reforesting suitable lands is essential if we are to transition to a sustain...
Forests are critical to the health of the planet. They sequester carbon, regulate global temperatures and freshwater flows, recharge groundwater, anchor fertile soil and act as flood barr...