Countdown: What will 2030's new space economy look like?
In 1972, the late Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, got back into the lunar module and promised: “We shall return in peace and hope for all mankind.” By 2030, humans will onc...
BA, Princeton University, US; MPhil, Cambridge University, UK. Former aerospace industry experience with: Orbital Sciences Corporation; Blastoff Corporation; Zero Gravity Corporation. Former Chief of Staff, NASA. Former Chairman, Reusable Launch Vehicle Working Group, Federal Aviation Authority Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee. Currently, Chief Executive Officer, Virgin Galactic. Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society; Fulbright Scholar. Recipient of NASA's Distinguished Service Medal.
In 1972, the late Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, got back into the lunar module and promised: “We shall return in peace and hope for all mankind.” By 2030, humans will onc...
Las tecnologías espaciales nos llevarán algún día a los asteroides, a Marte y de regreso a la Luna, y el impacto de estas misiones se sentirá en la Tierra, dice George Whitesides, Directo...
Space technologies will one day take us to asteroids, Mars and back to the moon, and the impact of these missions will be felt back on Earth, says George Whitesides, Chief Executive Offic...