Phasing down, phasing out, or transitioning away: What did COP28 agree on fossil fuels?
This article was first published on 21 November 2023 and was updated on 13 December 2023.
This article was first published on 21 November 2023 and was updated on 13 December 2023.
"My name is Mark Pollock, and I'm a scientific explorer. I'm trying to bring people together to cure paralysis in our lifetime."
'AI' is Collins Dictionary’s word of the year.
Winning photography competitions, inventing new materials, causing $100 billion falls in stock market value, and beating world champion drone racers. These are some of the things AI has a...
Este artículo se escribió por primera vez en noviembre de 2022 y se actualizó por última vez en octubre de 2023.
You might not feel part of the circular economy by lending your neighbour your hedge trimmer, but any action that leads to limited resources being used more efficiently – and more intelli...
This article was first written in November 2022 and last updated in October 2023.
El mundo tiene un objetivo común de alcanzar emisiones netas cero y, sin embargo, no hay dos países que tengan la misma estrategia de transición energética.
The world has a singular goal of net zero emissions and yet no two countries will have the same energy transition strategy.
¿Cómo medimos el progreso o el declive medioambiental? ¿Quién registra los datos? ¿Y cómo pueden utilizarse esos datos para un cambio positivo?
While the global goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 is clear, there is more than one way to get there and little consensus on which route to take. Differing opinions on the best way forwa...
How do we measure environmental progress or decline? Who tracks the data? And how can that data be used for positive change?
¿Cómo podemos aprovechar la energía que producen los trabajadores al desplazarse a su oficina? ¿O la energía que generan los respiraderos costeros, o incluso la que se produce al jugar a ...
How can we harness the energy that commuters produce while travelling to work? Or the energy that coastal blowholes generate, or even that produced by playing an interactive computer game?