I am interested in writing and co-imagining alternative futures for humanity and promoting future thinking among current and future business leaders. I do this with my students in the scenario planning workshops (HEG, Geneva) and on my own, through my hard science-fiction stories. One of my current research project aims to create a training tool for intergenerational dilemmas for finance leaders. Like ethical dilemmas, deciding for the future generation(s) cannot be answered unambiguously. It involves complex trade-offs in costs and benefits that we tend to resolve by heavily discounting the future. This needs to change if humanity wants to surpass the current multi-crises related to climate change. The way I address is is through training for decision-makers that involves creating memories of the future.
I am an expert in neuroscience and behavioral economics/psychology of decision-making, especially in the context of uncertainty (finance) and sustainablity (moral judgment).
Besides foresight, my research at the Lab for Uncertainty, Collective Intelligence and Decision-Making focuses on future modes for decision-making including computational diplomacy, collaborative innovation and sustainability problem solving through AI-aided crowd intelligence. I also teach psychology of finance/neurofinance at the University of Geneva, hold a PhD in cognitive neurosciences and am a mom of a 2-year old.
Imagina una silla vacía que te representa en el año 2050. Sentado frente a esta silla, visualiza a tu versión del futuro llena de coraje y resiliencia frente a los desafíos climáticos. Há...
Imagine an empty chair representing you in the year 2050. As you sit facing this chair, visualize your future self filled with courage and resilience in the face of climate challenges. Sp...