Why mobiles could be key to solving humanitarian crises
As the months of 2017 went by it became clear that the scale of humanitarian disasters was outpacing the international community’s ability to respond. According to the United Nations Offi...
1998, joined Ericsson; currently, Senior Vice-President, Chief Sustainability and Public Affairs Officer, Head of Group Function Sustainability and Public Affairs; heads sustainability and public affairs efforts and also heads Response, the company's humanitarian and disaster response programme; focus is on the role that information and communication technology can play in addressing global challenges in areas such as poverty, development, girls’ education, humanitarian response, peace building and climate change; Member of the Executive Leadership Team.
As the months of 2017 went by it became clear that the scale of humanitarian disasters was outpacing the international community’s ability to respond. According to the United Nations Offi...
El uso de la tecnología de telecomunicaciones ha estallado a nivel mundial, creando grandes oportunidades para conectar a la gente, dando lugar a la eficacia comercial y transformando cad...
Our world is facing more humanitarian challenges than ever before. The UNHCR estimates that over 65 million people were displaced by conflict and persecution in 2015 alone. At the same ti...
The use of telecommunications technology has exploded globally, creating huge opportunities to connect people, enabling business efficiencies and transforming every aspect of our society....