Eisaku Ito

Executive Vice-President; Chief Technology Officer, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Eisaku Ito is Executive Vice President, and Chief Technology Officer (CTO)at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI). Mr. Ito was appointed to his current position on April 2020 and has been with MHI for over 30 years in senior technology, research and development positions, being appointed CTO in April 2019. Some of his main achievements at MHI include the leadership of the technology development of high temperature gas turbines.

In April 2015, he was appointed General Manager, Fluid Dynamics Research Department, Research & Innovation Headquarters where he led the high-performance computation for various applications to the products of MHI.

In April 2016, he became General Manager, Business Intelligence & Innovation Department, where he was responsible for accelerating vision creation and innovation through combining society needs and MHI’s technology.

In April 2018, he was appointed Fellow and Deputy Head of Research & Innovation Center, where he helped oversee MHI’s overall R&D efforts, with a particular focus on encouraging innovative challenges of young researchers.

Mr. Ito earned his Bachelor’s degree in engineering from The University of Tokyo and Doctor’s degree in engineering from Kyusyu University.

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