Dani Rodrik

Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

1979, AB in Government and Economics, Harvard College; 1981, Master's in Public Affairs, Princeton University; 1985, PhD in Economics, Princeton University. 1985-89, Assistant and 1989-92, Associate Professor of Public Policy, John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; 1992-96, Professor of Economics and International Affairs, Columbia University; 1996-2013, Rafiq Hariri Professor of International Political Economy, Harvard University. Author of numerous articles, papers and books including: The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy (2011); One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth (2007); Making Openness Work: The New Global Economy and the Developing Countries (1999); Has Globalization Gone Too Far? (1997). Recipient of awards including, Albert O Hirschman Award, SSRC, and Leontief Prize, GDAE-Tufts. Expertise: international economic policy, economic development.

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