Why listening to employees supports a positive return to work
● New research reveals 86% of employees feel their organization doesn't listen fairly or equally to them.
Dan Schawbel is a New York Times bestselling author and the Managing Partner of Workplace Intelligence, a research and advisory firm helping HR adapt to trends, drive performance and prepare for the future. He is the bestselling author of three career books: Back to Human, Promote Yourself and Me 2.0. Schawbel is also the host of the 5 Questions podcast, where he interviews world-class humans like Reed Hastings, Stacey Abrams, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Alyssa Milano.
● New research reveals 86% of employees feel their organization doesn't listen fairly or equally to them.
• Both employees and the C-suite recognize the benefits of hybrid working.
• Remote working because of the pandemic has fused work and home life like never before.
• There is growing recognition of the rights of hourly workers, including at legal level in California.
• COVID-19 has piled multiple additional pressures on to people's mental health.
• Not enough workers feel their employers have prioritized human needs during the pandemic.
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