These are the 25 most high-tech cities in the world
Cities are the way of the future.
Cities are the way of the future.
Unless you're famous for doing something terrible, having your own Wikipedia page is probably a point of pride.
More high school students in the US are graduating than ever before, in part because of rising grade-point averages. But a new study suggests the trend isn't cause for celebration.
As more people opt to live alone, delay or forego marriage, and recede into their smartphones, rates of loneliness are skyrocketing in the United States, according to new research.
According to Moran Cerf, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University who has been studying decision-making for over a decade, the surest way to maximize happiness has nothing to do with e...
Most successful people credit reading, in some capacity, as a factor in their success.
Bill Gates, the former CEO of Microsoft, has said he breezes through about 50 books a year — or about a book a week.
A principios de este año, Facebook preguntó a 62 personas influyentes —desde Arianna Huffington a Richard Branson y Newt Gingrich— qué libros recomendarían. Facebook recibió los títulos d...
As the US still struggles to secure basic maternity leave policy, some countries have already moved on to improving time off just for fathers.
In the United States, about 15% of people smoke. Over the next three years, the Centers for Disease Control hopes to get that rate down to just 12%.
Don't expect to see a human behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler by 2027. Or a set of human hands performing a delicate surgery by 2053.
Today's Chinese citizens have grown hungry for fatty, high-protein foods, but the country's agriculture industry may have hit its limit.
If you are an American scientist, student, teacher, or business person working on climate change solutions, France would love for you to stay awhile.