In a world where people are going hungry, a new report from the World Economic Forum finds a shocking 15% of fish and seafood in our food chain goes to waste.
London, Paris, New York – it’s easy to reel off a list of the world’s most famous cities. But what makes a great city? And behind the hype and celebrity, are there other cities we should ...
This article was originally published in August 2023. It was last updated in February 2024.
Different diseases present in different ways in different people. You’ve probably noticed how even something as common as a cold might wipe one person out, while the same strain presents ...
Even before the first COVID-19 vaccine was approved, it was clear that ensuring equitable access to it was going to be a huge challenge.
First there was steam. Then there was electricity. Early automation followed. Now we are in the fourth industrial revolution – and this time it’s digital.
World Enabled创始人Victor Santiago Pineda说:“我在一个不适合我成长的世界中长大。”
“Cyber health checks” will be offered to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) along with an awareness campaign to boost citizens’ cyber literacy under a wide-reaching cybersecurity ...
Las Naciones Unidas describen la corrupción como una "plaga ", metáfora acertada para un problema tan estrechamente vinculado a los problemas del mundo que, sin duda, es una dolencia por ...
The United Nations describes corruption as a “plague” – an apt metaphors for a problem so closely linked to the world’s problems that it is undoubtedly an ailment in its own right.