Carol Stubbings

Global Chief Commercial Officer, PwC

Carol is responsible for PwC’s network-wide market-facing strategy, activities and initiatives, including working across Lines of Service, markets and industries to bring the full firm to our clients.

Carol is passionate about client experience and working with others to deliver quality services and build trusted client relationships. With more than 25 years of experience working with large multinational organisations, Carol supports clients with an array of strategic and complex challenges across different geographies and cultures.

Carol champions inclusion and diversity, is the Executive Sponsor for PwC’s “New world. New skills” global initiative, and led PwC’s thinking around the Workforce of the Future. Her recent work includes advising clients on global transformation, talent and culture change programmes, and opportunities from market disruptors and innovations.

Carol has more than 15 years of experience in global leadership roles. Prior to taking on her current role, she held the roles of Global Markets Leader and Global Tax &
Legal Services Leader.

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