How big data and local politics can make our cities more inclusive
The UK port city of Bristol, where one of us is mayor, is characterized by incredible concentrations of both wealth and poverty.
Architect and engineer by training. Teaches at MIT; directs the Senseable City Laboratory. Founding Partner, international design and innovation office Carlo Ratti Associati. Leading voice in the debate on new technologies' impact on urban life. Work exhibited in several venues worldwide, including the Venice Biennale, New York's MoMA, London's Science Museum and Barcelona's Design Museum. Two projects – the Digital Water Pavilion and the Copenhagen Wheel – were hailed by Time Magazine as "Best Inventions of the Year". Included in "Smart List: 50 people who will change the world", Wired Magazine. Currently, Co-Chair, Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization, World Economic Forum; Special Adviser on Urban Innovation to the European Commission.
The UK port city of Bristol, where one of us is mayor, is characterized by incredible concentrations of both wealth and poverty.
At long last it appears that the worst days of the COVID pandemic may finally be behind us. Despite early predictions of a lasting urban exodus, people are heading back. But the pandemic ...
Back in 2014, in the small alpine village of Alpbach, Austria, I found myself at a dinner with Christo, the environmental artist who died last year at the age of 84. His kind eyes glowed ...
• Changing patterns in home and office use following the pandemic are interlinked.
PARIS – La rue de Rivoli, célèbre artère qui traverse le cœur de Paris, s’est construite par à-coups. Après des années de tergiversations sur l’aménagement de la ville, Napoléon Bonaparte...
The next urban frontier may be found where we least expect it. It is the space devoted to parking cars, which are idle for 95% of the time. Taken together, these scattered fragments of re...
One of the lesser-known casualties of COVID-19 is a new, large-scale urban development in Toronto led by Google’s sibling company, Sidewalk Labs. Several years in the making, the “Google ...
El mes pasado, Jack Dorsey, Director Ejecutivo de Twitter, anunció que la compañía permitiría que sus empleados que están teletrabajando de acuerdo con los protocolos de distanciamiento s...
Last month, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced that the company would allow its employees, currently working from home in accordance with social-distancing protocols, to stay there for goo...
BOSTON – Le mois dernier, le P D-G de Twitter, Jack Dorsey annonçait que son entreprise permettrait à ses employés travaillant actuellement depuis leur domicile, conformément aux protocol...
On the window of a bike shop in Copenhagen, a sign reads: Your next car is a bike.
What are the most significant trends we are seeing as city administrations prepare for the fourth industrial revolution and what can we expect in the coming years? Is all the technology i...
BOSTON – Depuis que le poète grec antique Théocrite a écrit ses idylles pastorales qui idéalisaient la vie rurale, les gens se demandent comment construire des villes qui vont de pair ave...
Ever since the ancient Greek poet Theocritus wrote his pastoral idylls romanticizing rural life, people have been pondering how to build cities that are in concert with their natural surr...