Ice caps melting at an alarming rate in Antarctica - as per new satellite imagery
'Ice caps melting at a rapid rate in Antarctica', according to a new report by a team of 80 scientists who have analyzed satellite imagery of the region.
Briony Harris is a Senior Writer at Formative Content. Recoded to Forum Agenda on 29/05/2024.
'Ice caps melting at a rapid rate in Antarctica', according to a new report by a team of 80 scientists who have analyzed satellite imagery of the region.
An army of drones is joining the fight against plastic pollution.
The world is entering a new era in its relationship with plastic.
An increasing number of public schools in the US, especially in rural areas, are moving to a four-day school week.
A city in Pakistan has just recorded what reports are describing as the hottest-ever April day on the planet, with thermometers rising to 50.2°C.
India has joined the United States and China as one of the world’s five biggest military spenders this year, as the balance of military spending shifts further towards Asia.
The Silicon Valley start-up Allbirds is making its name by making shoes out of eco-friendly materials.
Selon le World Happiness Report 2018, le pays le plus heureux du monde est la Finlande, suivie de près par la Norvège, le Danemark, l'Islande, la Suisse et les Pays-Bas.
The use of antibiotics around the world jumped by 65% between 2000 and 2015, according to a new study of 76 countries published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Millions of Chinese farmers are reaping the benefits of a massive agricultural study, which has helped them increase their crop yields whilst reducing the use of fertilizer.
Es hora de "compartir la felicidad" y concentrarse en las relaciones, la amabilidad y ayudarse unos a otros. Ese es el mensaje del Día Internacional de la Felicidad de 2018, una celebrac...
It’s time to “share happiness”, and concentrate on relationships, kindness and helping each other.
Finlandia es el mejor del mundo para la felicidad, según el World Happiness Report 2018, seguido de cerca por Noruega, Dinamarca, Islandia, Suiza y los Países Bajos. Los países nórdicos ...
Finland is top of the world for happiness, according to the World Happiness Report 2018, closely followed by Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
If there was a simple way to stop the world getting fatter, it would surely have been found and implemented by now.