As technology advances, businesses need to be more trustworthy than ever
The erosion of trust has been a key theme of the last decade, and one that all business leaders must engage with in the years ahead.
Bas Burger is CEO of BT’s Global Services division. He has worked for close to 20 years in the ICT sector, supporting the digitalisation of some of the world’s most valuable and complex organisations. As CEO, Bas is repositioning Global Services as a highly focused digital business, prioritising the innovation of secure, cloud-based platforms that deliver products and services to support the digital transformation of our customers. Bas Burger has been with BT since 2008 in a variety of roles, most recently as President of BT in the Americas, driving growth across the whole region. Before that, Bas ran an industry vertical having led our operations across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America from 2012 to 2013. He started his BT career as CEO of the Benelux region. His previous career included senior leadership positions at Getronics NV and KPN Entercom Solutions, NV. A Dutch native, Bas holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Bradford, UK.
The erosion of trust has been a key theme of the last decade, and one that all business leaders must engage with in the years ahead.
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