Barak Ekshtein

Chief Executive Officer, Tontoton

For the past 15 years, I have been developing initiatives to reduce disposable plastics, promote public awareness of environmentally friendly products and services, and founded TONTOTON, a certified plastic credit system that treats non-recyclable plastics in the ocean-bound.

I have been lecturing on CSR and Social-environmental entrepreneurship and "profit for impact" at business universities, leadership programs, and international conferences. I was interviewed by leading media outlets on promoting environmental transparency and education regarding non-recyclable plastics.

TONTOTON focuses on collecting and recycling plastics that are not part of the circular economy; these non-recyclable materials have no demand in the commodity market and, therefore, pose an environmental hazard and pollute the oceans. The company connects businesses to the social and environmental impact of cleaning the environment, preventing ocean pollution through a certified plastic credit system, and promoting sustainable treating of non-recyclable plastics.