Master's and Doctorate in Economics; Master's in International Affairs. Formerly with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris. Since 1988, with the World Bank - currently Managing Director of Operations, former Senior Country Economist, Côte d'Ivoire and Country Economist, Guatemala; 1996-2001, Senior Manager, Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative, the largest and most comprehensive debt relief program for poor countries; 2002-07, Country Director, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay; 2007-09, Country Director, Colombia and Mexico; 2009-13, Vice-President for Concessional Finance and Global Partnerships; since Feb. 2013, Regional Vice-President, East Asia and Pacific; oversees a portfolio of over US$ 30 billion in loans, grants, credits and trust funds, coordinating and supervising the activities of more than 1,000 staff; leads strategy in the region, which supports countries by addressing natural disasters; poverty and equality; infrastructure and urbanization; and making governments work for people.