Leading efforts to deepen and co-design multistakeholder collaboration between the World Economic Forum and International Organisations to tackle key global challenges for a more sustainable future. Also focuses on bringing together humanitarian and development actors with corporates and investors to design long-term approaches in protracted settings that combine humanitarian impact with financial return. Formerly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the EU Delegation to the State of Israel. Master in Global Leadership, World Economic Forum; MA in EU International Studies and Diplomacy Studies, College of Europe; BA in Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick.
El conflicto en el este de Ucrania entre el ejército nacional y los separatistas apoyados por Rusia se prolonga desde 2014. En estos últimos ocho años, el conflicto se habrá cobrado 13.00...
The conflict in Eastern Ukraine between the national military and Russian-backed separatists has been ongoing since 2014. In these last eight years, the conflict has claimed 13,000 lives,...
2016 could become known as the year when global leaders finally came together to restructure a broken and insufficient humanitarian system in light of record-breaking humanitarian crises.