Se espera que el gasto global en servicios de movilidad se triplique en la próxima década, pasando de 389.000 millones de dólares en 2023 a 1,1 billones en 2035, impulsado en gran medida ...
Global spending on mobility services is expected to triple in the next decade from $389 billion in 2023 to $1.1 trillion by 2035, driven largely by significant expansion in electrical veh...
Transport emissions account for about one-third of urban carbon footprints, but cities need more than a great mass transit system to meet climate goals. They also must have a clean energy...
La movilidad urbana es fundamental para la economía, la sostenibilidad y la calidad de vida de una ciudad. Las comunidades que invierten continuamente en los aspectos fundamentales (elect...
Urban mobility is critical to a city’s economy, sustainability and quality of life. Communities that continually invest in the fundamentals – electrification, infrastructure and mass tran...
Cities are key players in the race to net zero. So far, more than 700 metros worldwide have committed to halving their greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 to comply with the Paris Agreement’...
Electric vehicle (EV) sales jumped by more than 60% globally in 2022, hitting another record. Numerous factors contributed to this growth, from increased model choices and improved car ba...
New mobility services – everything from bike and e-scooter rentals to car-sharing and smart parking systems – are growing rapidly and could reduce congestion, pollution, and dependence on...