4 innovative ways India is using WhatsApp
WhatsApp has built a community of more than 1.2 billion monthly active users worldwide by allowing them to message friends for free. However, in India, where WhatsApp has around 160 milli...
WhatsApp has built a community of more than 1.2 billion monthly active users worldwide by allowing them to message friends for free. However, in India, where WhatsApp has around 160 milli...
Al ritmo actual de progreso, la brecha económica de género se cerrará en 170 años. Este marco, calculado por el Foro Económico Mundial en el Índice Global de la Brecha de Género más recie...
El propósito final de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, que sustituyó a los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en 2015, es acabar con la pobreza, proteger el planeta y garantizar l...
El último Índice de Democracia 2016 llevado a cabo por la unidad de inteligencia de la revista británica The Economist (EIU) muestra que el año pasado 72 países han experimentado una deca...
如果你一直想要种植专属于自己的水果和蔬菜,但却苦于没有专业技能,那么“农场机器人”就是能实现你愿望的天才创意。 “农场机器人”能够自己播种并灌溉农作物,甚至能够为农田中除草。至于你需要做的事情,就只剩下等待收获农作物了。
The ultimate aim of the Sustainable Development Goals, which replaced the Millennium Development Goals in 2015, is to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for everyone. E...
If you’ve always wanted to grow your own fruit and vegetables but don’t have ‘green fingers’, then Farmbot Genesis is the gadget you’ve been waiting for.
Las redes sociales ofrecen foros para aquellos que planean quitarse la vida, debido a la cantidad de personas que transmiten en vivo sus intentos de suicidio.
At the current rate of progress, the economic gender gap will close in 170 years. This timeframe, calculated by the World Economic Forum’s latest Global Gender Gap Index, means that neith...
Are women and men becoming more equal? The answer is ‘it depends’.
In 1950, the fishing village of Shenzhen in south-east China had just over 3,000 inhabitants. By 2025, this number will exceed 12 million. And Shenzhen is not alone. Urban areas around th...
最近几年,传统的民调在准确预测投票结果方面遇到了重重困难——不管是英国脱欧,还是美国总统大选。布鲁盖尔(Bruegel )研究所,一家来自欧洲的智库,在一项最新的研究中探索了社交媒体中的“只言片语”是否能够更好地表明人们的投票倾向。