Alison Kennedy

Senior Managing Director - Sustainability and Enterprise Reinvention, Growth Markets, Accenture

Alison Kennedy leads the Accenture Strategy Business in ASEAN. In her past 20+ years with the firm, she has advised companies and governments on business and technology strategy across multiple industries and economies. Alison also serves as the Accenture Financial Services lead for consulting across the Asia Pacific region. She is a member of the global Accenture Leadership team and the most senior female executive in the firm’s technology and digital strategy practice. Throughout her career, she has been based in London, Tokyo, Beijing, Hong Kong and Singapore.

In her role, Ms. Kennedy leads the thinking and debate on the implications of digital disruption for Boards and she has authored a series of points of view about the impact of the ASEAN Economic Community on businesses operating in this region. She is an active commentator on the implications of technology and digital disruption on businesses and governments.

Outside of Accenture, Ms. Kennedy is an active participant in a number of Social and Arts related projects. She has also led diversity and women initiatives in Accenture and beyond.

Ms. Kennedy has degrees in Economics and Economic History from the London School of Economics, University of London. She is based in Singapore.

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