Here are the global top 10 risks for doing business
Unemployment and underemployment represent the biggest risk for doing business around the world. That is the view of more than 12,000 business people across 140 economies, according to fi...
Unemployment and underemployment represent the biggest risk for doing business around the world. That is the view of more than 12,000 business people across 140 economies, according to fi...
过去几天中,在全球许多金融市场爆发的混乱及时地提醒人们要对风险和漏洞予以关注。全球增长可能会回升到2008年金融危机前的水平,但我们面临的最大风险并非来自股市波动。 这些风险与技术、环境、网络攻击和政治倾向之间越来越复杂的联结关系有关,而政治倾向中保护主义出现的可能性将更高。
The turmoil that erupted on many of the world’s financial markets in the past days is a timely reminder of risks and vulnerabilities. Global growth may be back at pre-2008-crisis levels, ...
Blockchain,即区块链技术。理解它的人少之又少,而它同时又备受众人期待。计算机科学家和社会上的普通人之间存在着知识的鸿沟——这没什么稀奇的。但在区块链技术的问题上,这条“鸿沟”的“宽度”简直令人叹为观止。区块链技术类属于分布式账本技术(Distributed Ledger Technology, DLT)。DLT技术最为引人注目的一点在于:人们围绕这种技术提出的观...
Blockchain. Never have so many people sought so much from a technology understood by so few. There is nothing particularly novel about a divergence between the depth of knowledge enjoyed ...
Any change can be unsettling, but changes as profound as those being unleashed by the current phase of technological development – known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution – are prone to...
Uno de los resultados clave del Informe de Riesgos Globales de este año es que la desigualdad y la polarización se clasifican ahora entre los tres principales, como impulsores subyacentes...
One of the key findings of this year’s Global Risks Report is that inequality and polarization are now ranked in the top three as underlying drivers of global risks.