The Future of Work - How Work Will Look Like by 2030
Will technology kill jobs and exacerbate inequality, or usher in a utopia of more meaningful work and healthier societies? What will the future of work be like in 10 years from now?
Adam Jezard is a senior writer at Formative Content. Recoded to Senior Writer of Forum Agenda on 29/05/24 for cleansing.
Will technology kill jobs and exacerbate inequality, or usher in a utopia of more meaningful work and healthier societies? What will the future of work be like in 10 years from now?
La Chine semble déterminée à atteindre les étoiles en construisant des gratte-ciels toujours plus hauts. En 2017, 144 tours de plus de 200 mètres (660 pieds) de haut, ont été construites,...
A family of health superheroes, whose powers range from fighting cancer to cleaning up pollution: meet the humble fungi.
China seems determined to reach the stars by building ever-taller skyscrapers. In 2017 it saw the construction of 144 high-rises of more than 200 metres (660 feet) in height, including 15...
While the world is making strides towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, a new report warns more action is urgently needed if ambitious health targets are to be met.
La llegada de un bebé recién nacido debería ser un momento de felicidad en la vida de todos los padres.
L'arrivée d'un nouveau-né devrait être un moment de joie dans la vie de tous les parents.
The young woman calling the emergency number is panicking: her voice is breaking with emotion as she struggles to tell the call-centre operative her name, her address, and the details of ...
Humanity has always endeavoured to speed up manual tasks. From the first use of animal ones as tools to the creation of the factory production line, we have always wanted to make things b...
Forests are precious resources that we will increasingly rely on for our water, food and energy as the world’s population grows.
While previous reports of the death of traditional TV viewing have been greatly exaggerated, 2017 marked a major tipping point. Spending on online and digital advertising in the United St...
Imagine a country that is home to some internationally famous tech companies.
For travellers and businesses alike, knowing where you will get more bang for your buck is crucial if you want to make your yen, yuan, krona or euro stretch as far as possible. To this en...
The age at which you leave home depends a lot on where you live, according to data from the European Union’s statistical arm Eurostat.
The arrival of a newborn baby should be a joyous moment in all parents’ lives.