Zero carbon by 2050 is possible. Here's what we need to do
The collapsing cost of renewable electricity and batteries means that the world can now plan to decarbonize electricity generation far more rapidly, and at a lower economic cost than seem...
Studies in history and economics. 1979-82, taught economics, Cambridge; with BP and Chase Manhattan Bank; 1982, with McKinsey & Co. incl.: 1988, Partner; 1994, Director; 1992-95. 1995-99, Director-General, Confederation of British Industry. 2005, Independent Member, House of Lords. Chairman: 2002-06 UK Low Pay Commission; 2008-12, UK Climate Change Commission; 2008-13, FSA. 2013, Senior Fellow, Centre for Financial Studies, Frankfurt. Visiting Fellow, People’s Bank of China School of Finance, Tsinghua University. Trustee, British Museum. Honorary Fellow, Royal Society and London Business School. Author: Just Capital - The Liberal Economy (2001); Economics after the Crisis (2012); Between Debt and the Devil (2015)
The collapsing cost of renewable electricity and batteries means that the world can now plan to decarbonize electricity generation far more rapidly, and at a lower economic cost than seem...
Every two years, the United Nations issues its latest estimate of future population trends. Its 2019 projection reveals a stark divide. Across all of Asia, Europe, and the Americas, popul...
LONDRES – Les personnes qui ont visité Londres pendant les fêtes de Pâques ont pu voir des rues et des bâtiments occupés par des militants du mouvement Extinction Rebellion qui s’insurgen...
The valid insight behind "modern monetary theory" – that governments and central banks together can always create nominal demand – was explained by Milton Friedman in 1948. But it is vita...
If the world is to meet the Paris climate agreement objective of limiting global warming to well below 2°C , it will have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the energy and industrial...
Casi todos dicen que el modelo económico de Japón ha implosionado. Desde 1991, el crecimiento promedio ha sido apenas un 0,9%, contra el 4,5% de las dos décadas previas. La lentitud del c...
The anthropologist David Graeber has argued that as much as 30% of all work is performed in “bullsh*t jobs,” which are unnecessary to produce truly valuable goods and services but arise f...
The current downward trend in the US fertility rate would be troubling if strong growth and economic confidence required a larger workforce. But the evidence linking births with economic ...
When you buy your next automobile, would you pay $100 extra to ensure that the steel in it was made without producing carbon dioxide emissions?
Con la compra de su próximo auto, ¿pagaría usted cien dólares más por saber que el acero usado en él se fabricó sin emitir dióxido de carbono?
El pasado mes de diciembre, cuando el precio de Bitcoin se acercaba a los $20,000, una persona amiga me preguntó si era aconsejable que ella invirtiera en dicha criptomoneda. Le dije que ...
En todas las economías emergentes, los beneficios de un "dividendo demográfico" se han convertido en un estribillo familiar. Políticos y líderes empresarios por igual -ya sea en la India,...
Existe un sesgo psicológico que nos lleva a creer que después de hechos excepcionales, tarde o temprano vuelve la “normalidad”. Ahora mismo, muchos analistas económicos hablan de la posib...
As the Nobel laureate economist Robert Solow noted in 1987, computers are “everywhere but in the productivity statistics.” Since then, the so-called productivity paradox has become ever m...
Como señaló en 1987 el Premio Nobel de Economía Robert Solow, las computadoras están “en todas partes, menos en las estadísticas de productividad”. Desde entonces, el misterio de la “para...