Lord J. Adair Turner

Chairman, Energy Transitions Commission

Studies in history and economics. 1979-82, taught economics, Cambridge; with BP and Chase Manhattan Bank; 1982, with McKinsey & Co. incl.: 1988, Partner; 1994, Director; 1992-95. 1995-99, Director-General, Confederation of British Industry. 2005, Independent Member, House of Lords. Chairman: 2002-06 UK Low Pay Commission; 2008-12, UK Climate Change Commission; 2008-13, FSA. 2013, Senior Fellow, Centre for Financial Studies, Frankfurt. Visiting Fellow, People’s Bank of China School of Finance, Tsinghua University. Trustee, British Museum. Honorary Fellow, Royal Society and London Business School. Author: Just Capital - The Liberal Economy (2001); Economics after the Crisis (2012); Between Debt and the Devil (2015)

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