Abir Ibrahim leads on government engagement strategy and the regional sustainability agenda for West and Central Africa at the World Economic Forum. Abir previously worked at the United States Government, Peace Corps in Tanzania, and UNICEF in Sudan.
La crisis climática no da señales de atenuarse. El año 2024 ha registrado nuevos récords de temperatura y será uno de los más calurosos jamás registrados. El mes de junio superó a todos l...
The climate crisis shows no sign of abating, with 2024 seeing more record-breaking temperatures and the year counting among the hottest years on record. June 2024 surpassed previous recor...
Sudan has long been viewed as a future “breadbasket” for the Middle East, Africa and beyond, especially with food insecurity on the rise worldwide. However, the country’s own food securit...
The push to accelerate the green and net-zero transition presents both opportunities and significant challenges. For Africa and Europe, achieving a successful transition brings to light t...
Sudan, the third-largest country in Africa and the Middle East, borders seven countries and straddles the world’s longest river. The current war, which began in April 2023, poses an exist...
Uganda es el segundo productor y consumidor mundial de bananas; India es el primero. Con un valor de producción mundial de unos 10 millones de toneladas métricas y un consumo de casi un k...
Uganda is the world's second-largest producer and consumer of bananas; India is the first. With a global production value of about 10 million metric tons and banana consumption of almost ...
According to the International Energy Agency, over 140 million people do not have access to energy in Nigeria, about 71% of the country's population. When we talk about energy access, we ...