Countries hurt by war and fragility need strong global partnerships and resources
Fragile and conflict-affected states, home to 1 billion people across more than 40 countries, are at particular risk in this era of economic uncertainty.
Abebe Aemro Selassie is Deputy Director in the IMF’s African Department. Previously at the IMF he led the teams working on Portugal and South Africa as well as theRegional Economic Outlook for sub-Saharan Africa. He has also worked on Thailand, Turkey and Poland, as well as a range of policy issues. From 2006-2009 he was the IMF’s resident representative in Uganda. Before joining the IMF, he worked for the Government of Ethiopia.
Fragile and conflict-affected states, home to 1 billion people across more than 40 countries, are at particular risk in this era of economic uncertainty.
Sub-Saharan African countries find themselves facing another severe and exogenous shock. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a surge in food and fuel prices that threatens the regio...
Beyond the suffering and humanitarian crisis from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the entire global economy will feel the effects of slower growth and faster inflation.
Sub-Saharan Africa is in the grips of a third wave of COVID-19 infections that threatens to be even more brutal than the two that came before.
African economies are at a pivotal juncture. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought economic activity to a standstill. Africa’s hard-won economic gains of the last two decades, critical in imp...
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It is too soon to tell how heavy the human and health toll from COVID-19 will be in Sub-Saharan Africa. But the pandemic’s terrible economic impact on the region is already clear.
WASHINGTON, DC – L’Afrique subsaharienne est aujourd’hui confrontée à une hausse prononcée de sa dette publique. Fin 2017, la dette publique moyenne dans la région atteignait 57 % de son ...
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After almost two decades of robust growth, there has been a sharp deceleration in economic activity in sub-Saharan Africa. Lower commodity prices, but also mounting imbalances in some of ...