Infrastructure 4.0: Achieving Better Outcomes with Technology and Systems Thinking

The Infrastructure 4.0 project community was formed to encourage a more holistic, outcome-focused framing for infrastructure. Its members formulated the 13 recommendations presented in this White Paper, intended for decision-makers who seek to improve the adoption of emerging technologies into infrastructure development. The recommendations range from high-level strategies reflecting broad systemic commentary to tactical actions and concrete steps that can be taken by specific institutions and companies. By using technology as an enabler, with a focus on improving outcomes for people and nature, it is possible to ensure that infrastructure serves as a platform to connect the built environment, the natural world and human lives in a way that allows all three to thrive.
The Infrastructure 4.0 project community was formed to encourage a more holistic, outcome-focused framing for infrastructure. Its members formulated the 13 recommendations presented in this White Paper, intended for decision-makers who seek to improve the adoption of emerging technologies into infrastructure development. The recommendations range from high-level strategies reflecting broad systemic commentary to tactical actions and concrete steps that can be taken by specific institutions and companies. By using technology as an enabler, with a focus on improving outcomes for people and nature, it is possible to ensure that infrastructure serves as a platform to connect the built environment, the natural world and human lives in a way that allows all three to thrive.