Publicado: 1 junio 2010

Global Agenda Council on Values 2012-2014

Despite worldwide hyperconnectivity, widespread conflicts continue. The challenges of connecting with others of different opinions, values, beliefs, faiths and cultures are growing. Moreover, given the failings of financial institutions and the distrust towards governments, world leaders are struggling with issues of how to rebuild the public’s trust. In this context, the Global Agenda Council on Values is exploring how social and mobile technologies can be used to help young people around the world gain respect for each other and resolve conflicts. It is looking for successful models and best practices, as well as methods to leverage appropriate technologies to accomplish this aim. The Council is identifying the hurdles and investigating how a multistakeholder alliance can be engendered to collaborate in reaching these goals.

Despite worldwide hyperconnectivity, widespread conflicts continue. The challenges of connecting with others of different opinions, values, beliefs, faiths and cultures are growing. Moreover, given the failings of financial institutions and the distrust towards governments, world leaders are struggling with issues of how to rebuild the public’s trust. In this context, the Global Agenda Council on Values is exploring how social and mobile technologies can be used to help young people around the world gain respect for each other and resolve conflicts. It is looking for successful models and best practices, as well as methods to leverage appropriate technologies to accomplish this aim. The Council is identifying the hurdles and investigating how a multistakeholder alliance can be engendered to collaborate in reaching these goals.

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