Trevor Neilson

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, i(x) investments

Formerly: with Office of Scheduling and Advance, and White House Travel Office; Co-Founder and Member of the Board, Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa with Bill Gates, Bono and George Soros; Director, Public Affairs and Special Projects, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, responsible for grant-making, government relations, public affairs; Executive Director, Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, helped grow corporate membership to over 200 multinational companies with interests related to AIDS and healthcare. Currently, Senior Adviser and Member, International Advisory Council, APCO Worldwide. Member: Clinton Global Initiative; Council on Foreign Relations; Wikimedia Foundation Advisory Board; Genocide Intervention Network Advisory Board; Business and Human Rights Resource Center; other organizations. Vice-Chairman, Saflink. Expertise: global health, corporate responsibility.

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