How Africa can secure its long-term economic growth
In recent weeks we have seen investors discarding riskier assets for perceived safe havens, such as government bonds, due to escalating trade tensions between China and the United States,...
BA (Hons) Essex; MSc, London. Formerly: Executive Director (NIB) and Managing Director, Nedbank. Former Director-General: Department of Foreign Affairs; Department of Labour. Currently, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Johannesburg-based AngloGold Ashanti, the world's largest emerging market gold producer, with 19 operations in nine countries spanning South America, Africa and Australasia. Former Chairperson, Johannesburg World Summit Company. Non-Executive Chairperson, Laetoli Holdings; Non-Executive Director: Spescom; Southern Oil Exploration Corporation; Musuku Benefication Systems; Bytes Technology Group. Chairperson, Izingwe Capital; Riscura Solutions. Non-Executive Vice-Chairperson, Aberdare Cables. Various senior roles on government boards, organizations and committees.