Pravin Gordhan

Minister of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Public Enterprises of South Africa

1974, qualified as a pharmacist. Activist; involvement in the anti-apartheid struggle goes back to the 1970s and 1980s as an organiser in the student movement and a prominent leader in civic structures. Formerly with Durban’s King Edward VIII hospital until 1981 when expelled by the hospital administration for involvement in resistance politics. Spent four years underground in the 1980s and became intricately involved in the South African Communist Party and African National Congress. Played a pivotal role in South Africa’s transition as an ANC participant in the multi-party talks at the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA), and as co-chair of the Transitional Executive Council. Chaired the Constitutional Committee. Until March 1998, served as ANC MP; 1998, joined SARS as Deputy Commissioner; 1999, Commissioner. May 2009, Minister of Finance. May 2014, Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs; Dec. 2015, re-appointed to the Finance portfolio. 2017, returned to the Legislature as a Member of Parliament and became part of the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises. Member of the National Executive Committee (NEC), African National Congress. Interests: democracy, racial and gender equality and working to build a prosperous future for all in South Africa.