Krishnamurthy "Gopi" Gopalakrishnan

Founder and President, World Health Partners

Gopi Gopalakrishnan has over two decades of experience in implementing large-scale service-delivery programs in low-resource settings. He has founded two large organizations—World Health Partners which focuses on delivering primary health care to rural communities by innovatively harnessing existing resources in the poorest states of India and Kenya; Janani which delivers reproductive health services in Bihar and Jharkhand, two of the poorest states of India. Gopi’s work relates to operationalizing public–private partnerships in which private sector resources are tailored to complement public sector service provision. Increasingly, his recent work has devoted attention to integrate stronger management systems and technologies into public sector programming.

Gopi has been a member of India’s Population Commission and has advised the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and numerous national and international organizations on large-scale cost-effective service delivery. He has served on the global technical advisory board of the International Finance Corporation, an affiliate of the World Bank, and is currently a member of the Advisory Group on Community Action (AGCA) of the National Health Mission.

During his career, Gopi also worked as the Director of International Programs of DKT International based in Washington DC and as Country Director of DKT Vietnam based in Hanoi. He has been awarded by the Skoll Foundation, the Schwab (World Economic Forum) Foundation and Ashoka Foundation for social entrepreneurship, and is the recipient of a prestigious civilian honor from the Government of Vietnam.

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