Kai Hoberg

Associate Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Strategy, Kühne Logistics University

Kai Hoberg is Associate Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Strategy at Kühne Logistics University since May 2012. From 2010 to 2012 he was Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management at the University of Cologne. Kai Hoberg received his PhD in 2006 from Münster University, Germany under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ulrich W. Thonemann. In his academic career he was a visiting scholar at different top universities, e.g. S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University, Israel Institute of Technology, and NUS Business School at National University of Singapore. Kai Hoberg earned a Diplom Degree in Industrial Engineering at Paderborn University, Germany and Monash University, Melbourne.

Kai Hoberg’s current research topics include empirical supply chain management, inventory modeling and the link between operations and finance. In particular, he explores the fundamental drivers of supply chain performance and strategies applying real-world data. His research findings have been published in academic journals like IIE Transactions or European Journal of Operational Research.

Before returning to academia, Kai Hoberg worked as a strategy consultant and project manager for Booz & Company from 2006 to 2010. He conducted supply chain and operations management projects for numerous clients, in particular in consumer, chemicals and discrete manufacturing industries. Currently, he is active as faculty for executive supply chain education for global firms.

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