Jonathan M. Rothberg

Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Butterfly Network

Awarded National Medal of Technology and Innovation by President Obama. BSc in Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon; PhD in Biology, Yale. Invented high-speed/next-generation sequencing. Completed first individual human genome (James Watson); initiated Neanderthal Genome project; first genome on a semiconductor (Gordon Moore). Founder and CEO, Butterfly Networks. Founder: Hyperfine Research; Quantum-Si; Lam Therapeutics; 4Catalyzer; Ion Torrent; 454; Clarifi; RainDance Technologies; CuraGen. Member: Nat'l Academy of Eng.; Connecticut Academy of Science and Eng. Life Trustee, Carnegie Mellon. Gold Medal for Innovation, Wall Street Journal; Connecticut Medal of Technology; Honorary Doctor of Science, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Adjunct Professor of Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine.

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