Jenna Davis

Associate Dean for Integrative Initiatives in Institutes and International Partn, Stanford University

Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Higgins-Magid Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment, both of Stanford University. Co-Founder and Head, Stanford Program on Water, Health and Development. Research and teaching focused at the interface of engineered water supply and sanitation systems and their users, particularly in developing countries. With a background in public health, infrastructure planning, and environmental science and engineering, works on developing and testing technical, policy, and behavioural innovations that expand safe water provision and waste management. Over the past 20 years, has conducted research in more than 15 countries, including most recently Kenya, Bangladesh and Zambia. Named a Leopold Leadership Fellow (2015). Recipient of the WASH Alliance Prize from the Reed Elsevier Environmental Challenge as part of the Lotus Water team.

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