Jack Sim

Founder and Director, World Toilet Organization

Jack Sim is globally renowned as Mr Toilet. Jack Sim grew up in a slum in Singapore and although he did not have a university degree, this did not stop him from starting a series of profitable businesses. He retired from his businesses at the age of forty to dedicate himself to humanitarian causes. When he saw 2.6 billions people without proper sanitation, he founded the World Toilet Organization in 2001 and transformed the taboo of Toilets and Sanitation into a media darling mobilizing politicians, governments, celebrities and funds to give Sanitation its own agenda on the global stage. Jack graduated at the age of fifty-six with a Master in Public Policy in Singapore and later from Singularity University in the United States of America. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Fellow at Singapore University of Social Science.

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