Ignazio Cassis

Federal Councillor; Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) of Switzerland

1988, degree in Human Medicine, University of Zurich; 1996, MPH, University of Geneva; 1998, degree, specializing in internal medicine and also in prevention and public health. MD. 1988-96, Doctor. 1996, Cantonal Physician, Canton of Ticino. 2004, began political career with election to the legislative authority of the Ticino municipality of Collina d'Oro. 2007, elected to the National Council; from 2015, chaired the National Council's Social Security and Health Committee; vice-chair or chair of various parliamentary groups. September 2017, elected to the Federal Council; since November 2017, Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA); 2022, assumed the presidency of the Swiss Confederation. Former President, FDP.The Liberals. Former Vice-President, Swiss Medical Association (FMH). Former Head, CURAVIVA association (care homes and institutions in Switzerland) and Curafutura, a health insurance association. Has lectured at various universities in Switzerland. Member, past or present, of numerous foundations and associations.

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