Huang Xingguo

Master's in Science and Engineering Management, Tongji University, Doctorate in Management. Since Sept. 1973, Party Member, CPC. Former: Deputy Local Party Secretary, CPC Taizhou Committee, Zhejiang Province; Local Party Secretary, CPC Taizhou Committee, Zhejiang Province; Party Secretary, CPC Taizhou City Committee, Zhejiang Province; Secretary-General, Zhejiang Provincial Government; Vice-Governor, Zhejiang Province; Member of the Standing Committee, CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee; Party Secretary, CPC Ningbo Committee. 2003-07, Vice-Party Secretary, CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee, and Mayor of Tianjin. Jun. - Dec. 2007, Member of the Standing Committee, CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee, and Vice-Mayor of Tianjin. Dec. 2007 - Jan. 2008, Vice-Party Secretary, CPC Tianjin Committee, and Acting Mayor of Tianjin. Since Jan. 2008, Vice-Party Secretary, CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee, Alternate Member of the 16th and 17th CPC Central Committee, and Member of the 18th CPC Central Committee. Currently, Mayor of Tianjin.