Henry Markram

Co-founder, chairman of the board, Frontiers Media

Professor of Neuroscience, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne. Founder, Brain Mind Institute; Founder and Director, Blue Brain Project; Coordinator, Human Brain Project, which aims to construct a computerized simulation of the human brain; it was selected in January 2013 as one of the European Commission's Future Emerging Technologies Flagships, with a grant of more than ? 1 billion over the next ten years. It involves researchers in 80 institutions across Europe. Published work includes more than 100 papers receiving over 15,000 citations. Co-Founder, Frontiers (frontiersin.org), a community-driven open-access academic publisher and social network for researchers; it has become the 4th-largest open-access publisher worldwide and collaborates with the Nature Publishing Group to advance the Open Science movement.

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