Carmen Correa

Chief Executive Officer, Pro Mujer

With over thirty years in the development field, Carmen Correa is ProMujer’s CEO since 2022. She previously served as Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, supervising the implementation of the organization’s social impact programs, which include expanding financial inclusion, providing health and well-being services, and offering skill-building opportunities to women across Latin America. Before joining ProMujer, she led efforts at the National Research and Innovation Agency (ANII) in Uruguay, worked as Director of Programs at Fundación Avina and was Director of Operations and Executive Director of Endeavor Uruguay. She also held different positions at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington DC and in the Organization of American States (OAS) in Uruguay. Carmen works in the Advisory Board of Socialab Uruguay, she is in the Board of Sistema B Uruguay, is a mentor for Endeavor Uruguay and co-leads the Southern Cone Task Force of the Global Steering Group on Impact Investment, while supporting other local civil society organizations such as Educación Responsable. She holds a B.S. in Management from National- Louis University in McLean and has a Business Administration Certificate from Georgetown University, among other management development courses from John Hopkins University and USDA in Washington, DC, and ESADE/ORT in Uruguay.

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