World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

20–23 enero 2016 Davos-Klosters, Switzerland

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The Power of the Platform

22 de enero de 2016 17:00

The “platform” as a business model is behind the rapid rise of companies that are reshaping sectors like transport and hospitality in cities around the world. How are platforms impacting the consumer and career choices of millennials worldwide?

On the agenda:
- Changing company and consumer mindsets
- Rethinking municipal and national regulation
- Implications for corporate social responsibility

Global Shapers communities in Bangalore, Berlin, Giza and Delhi a will join the discussion online.

The Issue Briefing room is located in the Media Village.

This session is webcast live.


Nik Gowing

Founder and Director, Thinking Unthinkable Ltd

Philip J. Jennings

Digital Member

Vishal Sikka

Advisory Professor, East China Normal University (ECNU)
