Annual Meeting of the New Champions

18–20 septiembre 2018 Tianjin, People's Republic of China

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What If: Smart Drugs Become as Common as Coffee?

20 de septiembre de 2018 3:00

A 2018 study suggests that up to 14% of the population may be experimenting with off-label use of cognitive enhancing drugs, or nootropics. What if using such drugs – claimed to improve performance at school and work – becomes the new norm?

Join an in-depth discussion that explores the possible, plausible and probable impacts of wide-spread use of nootropics.

This session is designed in collaboration with BBC Click.

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

This session will be livestreamed on TopLink and the Forum website. Please arrive 15 minutes early, as the doors will be closed at the scheduled time.


Daniel A. Bell

Dean, School of Political Science and Public Policy, Shandong University

Jen Copestake

Reporter and Senior Producer, BBC World News

Nita Farahany

Robinson O. Everett Professor of Law and Philosophy; Director, Duke Science and Society, Duke University

Thomas Senderovitz

Director-General, Danish Medicines Agency, Denmark Government

Andrew Thompson

Managing Director and Co-Founder, Spring Ridge Ventures
